Campbell's soup cans
The Campbell's company is among the longest-lived in America, 1869, it went through the two Great Wars without being affected. It was the brainchild of a fruit merchant, Joseph A. Campbell, after whom it was named, and an Ice Factory maker, Abraham Anderson. The exponential growth of Campbell's as a company, and above all of its soups, took place around the 1950s.
The Campbell's explosion
The definitive explosion of Campbell's Soups, which were already very famous before, took place thanks to the proponent of Pop Art, Andy Warhol . His works depicting Tomato Soup, Cream of Mushroom, Vegetable Soup have become iconic. Making Campbell's Soups famous all over the world. Currently, Campbell's Soups are sold in approximately 120 countries.

How do you eat Campbell's soup?
How do you eat Campbell's soup?
Campbell's Soups can be eaten plain, inserting croutons inside the soup, adding noodles. With these soups you will be able to give free rein to your imagination, trying to create the tastiest and most imaginative dish.