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Crisco Shortening - Vegetable Butter

Crisco Shortening - Vegetable Butter


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Crisco Shortening - Vegetable Butter su

  • Crisco - All Vegetable Shortening: Discover the best vegetable shortening for your desserts on Berfud. Buy Crisco, the favorite of pastry professionals. Find out where to buy the famous Crisco to achieve perfect texture and irresistible flavor. Experience high-quality solid fat to create delicious and fragrant sweets. Add Crisco to your pantry and let the magic begin. Order now on Berfud!

    • Nome Originale: Crisco Shortening
    • Origine 🌎 :USA
    • Peso netto ⚖️: 453 g
    • Brand : Crisco ®️
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Ingredienti e Valori nutrizionali Crisco Shortening

Ingredientes: Aceites vegetales (soja**, palma totalmente hidrogenada, palma y soja** parcialmente hidrogenados), emulsionante E471, antioxidantes E319-E330. **Producido a partir de OMG. Recomendaciones de uso: Conservar después de abrir hasta 1 año.

Valori nutrizionali: (per 100ml): energia 917Kcal, lipidi 100g (di cui grassi saturi 25g), carboidrati 0g (di cui zuccheri 0g), proteine 0g, sale 0g.

Come si usa Crisco Shortening?

Crisco - All Vegetable Shortening is a versatile product that can be used in many ways in your kitchen. Here are some pointers on how to best use it:

1. Pastries for cakes: Crisco is perfect for obtaining soft and light doughs. You can substitute the butter or oil for Crisco in your cake, cookie or tart recipe. Just follow the recipe instructions and substitute equal amounts of butter or oil for Crisco. Make sure you cut the Crisco into small pieces and mix it well with the other ingredients until you get a smooth paste.

2. Frying: Crisco is an excellent option for frying foods like chips, chicken, fish, and so much more. Thanks to its heat resistance, Crisco maintains a stable temperature during frying and gives your food a delicious crunchiness. Before you begin frying, melt the Crisco in a pot large enough to completely submerge the foods you wish to fry. Make sure you reheat it to an appropriate temperature and follow the specific frying instructions for your chosen foods.

3. Baking: Crisco can also be used to grease baking trays and molds to prevent food from sticking during cooking. You can apply it to the inside surfaces of the pan or use a brush to spread it evenly. This will help to obtain cakes and bread products that come off the pan easily.

4. Food storage: Crisco can also be used to store food. If you need to store leftovers or protect foods from drying out, you can apply a thin layer of Crisco to the surface of foods or use it to seal containers.

Always remember to follow the specific recipe instructions in which you use Crisco and store it in a cool, dry place when you're not using it. Explore the versatility of Crisco - All Vegetable Shortening in your kitchen and experiment with new recipes for delicious results.

Descrizione Crisco Shortening

Crisco - All Vegetable Shortening es una marca reconocida en el mundo de la repostería y la cocina. Esta manteca vegetal de alta calidad es un ingrediente versátil que se puede utilizar de diversas formas para mejorar tus platos dulces y salados.

Gracias a su consistencia sólida a temperatura ambiente, el Crisco es ideal para preparar masas de pasteles, galletas, tartas y mucho más. Puedes mezclarlo con harina, azúcar y otros ingredientes para crear una textura suave y una estructura ligera en tus postres favoritos.

El Crisco también es una excelente opción para freír. Debido a su alta resistencia al calor, puedes usarlo para freír papas, pollo, pescado y otros alimentos. El uso de Crisco como grasa sólida para freír proporciona un crujiente perfecto y un sabor delicioso a tus platos.

Esta manteca vegetal está fácilmente disponible en, donde puedes adquirir Crisco de manera fácil y conveniente. Añádelo a tu carrito y asegúrate de tener siempre a mano un producto de alta calidad para tus creaciones culinarias.

Crisco es una opción perfecta para aquellos que prefieren una alternativa vegetal a la manteca animal tradicional. Gracias a su formulación a base de vegetales, también es adecuado para aquellos que siguen una dieta vegetariana o vegana.

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